In 2018, on average, 9,843 people were employed in Laktaši municipality, which is 323 more or 3.39% more than in the previous year (9,520 in 2017). The Laktaši municipality is the third largest municipality in the area of the Banja Luka Chamber of Commerce, and contributes 7.06% to the total employment of the Banja Luka Chamber. At the level of Republika Srpska, although ninth in population, the municipality of Laktaši occupies the fifth place, with participation of 3.70% of total employees.
The average number of unemployed (active labor supply – average of the employment records at the end of each month) in Republika Srpska in 2018 was 105,793, which is less than the average number of unemployed in 2017 (120,056 persons). 14,263 persons, or 11.88% (thus continuing the declining trend of active labor supply started in 2012 (the average number of unemployed persons decreased by 47,432 persons in 2012, or 30.96%). In 2018, the Institute (62,450) increased by 19,915 persons or
by 46.82% in relation to the number of persons who have been deleted from the employment register for employment (42,535).
According to the records of the Employment Bureau, Bureau Laktashi, 31.12.2018. There were 1,099 persons actively seeking work, which is 921 persons (45.59%) less than in the same period last year (2,020 persons). The average number of unemployed in 2018 (1,571) decreased by 621 persons, or by 28.33% (following chart)
The administrative unemployment rate, calculated on the basis of the average number of employed and unemployed persons registered and recorded during the year, is 13.76% (following chart) and is well below the national average (28.43%).