In the qualification structure of employed individuals (10,413 on average employed in legal entities in 2023; 9,906 on average employed in legal entities in 2022), individuals with secondary education dominate, accounting for 54.02% (54.62% in 2022). They are followed by skilled workers, who make up 14.65% (15.59% in 2022), and individuals with higher education or above, comprising 14.05% (14.69% in 2022).
The majority of employed individuals are aged 35 to 54, representing 54.69% in 2023 (54.98% in 2022). They are followed by those aged up to 34 years, accounting for 30.48% in 2023 (32.31% in 2022), of which the majority are young people under 30 years old (17.68% in 2023; 18.59% in 2022). Lastly, employees aged 55 and over make up 14.83% in 2023 (12.72% in 2022).

Workforce Supply by Month for 2022 and 2023, and the Average
The official (administrative) unemployment rate is among the lowest in Republika Srpska, standing at 6.61% in 2023, which is significantly below the republic’s average of 17.38%. Since it is also lower than the survey-based unemployment rate at the level of Republika Srpska, it can be assumed that the survey-based unemployment rate in the city is also lower than the republic’s average (as shown in the following chart).

Unemployment rate