In the qualification structure of employed individuals (10,413 on average employed in legal entities in 2023; 9,906 on average employed in legal entities in 2022), individuals with secondary education dominate, accounting for 54.02% (54.62% in 2022). They are followed by skilled workers, who make up 14.65% (15.59% in 2022), and individuals with higher education or above, comprising 14.05% (14.69% in 2022).

The majority of employed individuals are aged 35 to 54, representing 54.69% in 2023 (54.98% in 2022). They are followed by those aged up to 34 years, accounting for 30.48% in 2023 (32.31% in 2022), of which the majority are young people under 30 years old (17.68% in 2023; 18.59% in 2022). Lastly, employees aged 55 and over make up 14.83% in 2023 (12.72% in 2022).

According to data from the Employment Service of Republika Srpska, Banja Luka Branch, Laktaši Bureau, the average number of unemployed individuals (860 people, 494 of whom are women, representing 57.40%) decreased by 32 individuals or 3.62% compared to 2022 (892 people, 494 of whom were women, representing 55.39%). This decline, along with an increase in the number of employed individuals, contributed to a reduction in the average unemployment rate.

Unemployed individuals from the Laktaši area account for 1.41% of the total number of unemployed persons in Republika Srpska (1.32% in 2022).

Workforce Supply by Month for 2022 and 2023, and the Average

Workforce Supply by Month for 2022 and 2023, and the Average

The official (administrative) unemployment rate is among the lowest in Republika Srpska, standing at 6.61% in 2023, which is significantly below the republic’s average of 17.38%. Since it is also lower than the survey-based unemployment rate at the level of Republika Srpska, it can be assumed that the survey-based unemployment rate in the city is also lower than the republic’s average (as shown in the following chart).

Unemployment rate

Unemployment rate


The qualification structure of unemployed individuals as of 31 December 2022 (872 individuals) and 31 December 2023 (846 individuals) is shown in the following charts:


In the qualification structure of unemployed individuals, the dominant group consists of skilled workers (37.35%), followed by individuals with secondary education (32.15%), and those with higher education or above, accounting for 16.31% of all unemployed individuals.