Initiatives from the sessions of the Council for Economy and Employment of the Municipality of Laktaši:
Number | Date | Initiative | Activity Leader | Implementation |
1. |
9 June 2015
(First Session of the Council for Economy and Employment) |
Organizing internships for high school and university students in companies within the municipality of Laktaši | Mayor’s Office
and Department for Social Affairs |
High school students and university students continuously participate in internships at companies located in the municipality of Laktaši |
2. |
Development of the Employment Action Plan 2016–2018 | Department for Local Economic Development | The Municipality Assembly of Laktaši, at its session held on 11 July 2017, adopted the Decision on the Adoption of the Employment Action Plan for the Municipality of Laktaši for the period 2017–2018. | |
3. |
Organizing a business forum with the diaspora | Department for Local Economic Development | The forum with the diaspora was held on 17 and 18 July 2015 at the “San” hotel
4. |
13 April 2015 (Third Session of the Council for Economy and Employment) |
Initiative to include the construction of a high school center in Laktaši in the Capital Investment and Investment Plan for the Municipality of Laktaši for the period 2015–2020 | Department for Local Economic Development |
The project for the construction of a high school center in Laktaši has been included in the Capital Investment Plan for the period 2015–2020 |
5. | 22 September 2016
(Fifth Session of the Council for Economy and Employment) |
Initiative to reduce the base for the calculation of rent.
Department for Housing and Communal Affairs | At the initiative of the Council for Economy and Employment, the base for the calculation of rent was reduced for the year 2017 based on the Decision on Determining the Base for the Calculation of Rent, number 01-022-51/17
6. |
3 March 2017
(Seventh Session of the Council for Economy and Employment) |
Surveying business entities operating in the municipality of Laktaši should be conducted annually. The surveys should be delivered earlier, and the structure of the survey should be broader | Department for Local Development and Human Resources | The Department for Local Development and Human Resources continuously conducts business surveys, specifically once a year, and each year the structure of the survey becomes broader |
7. |
Initiative to increase the inspection oversight of unregistered entrepreneurs registered with the Employment Bureau, thereby creating a misleading picture of the number of unemployed individuals | Department for Inspection Affairs | The classification of the records has been completed, meaning there is no longer double registration. Only individuals actively seeking employment remain at the Employment Bureau, while those who were registered at the Bureau for the purpose of accessing other rights have been transferred to the relevant institutions | |
8. |
10 July 2017
(Eighth Session of the Council for Economy and Employment) |
Agricultural producers in the municipality of Laktaši need education on modern production methods and market approaches, as the market is changing at a rapid pace | Department for Economy and Social Affairs (Department for Economy and Agriculture) | Every year, as part of the events organized by the municipality of Laktaši, educational sessions are held in the fields of crop farming, horticulture, livestock farming, and fruit growing |
9. |
10 November 2017
(Tenth Session of the Council for Economy and Employment) |
Initiative to include the industrial zone in Veliki Blaško in the Zoning Plan |
Department for Spatial Planning |
The industrial zone in Veliki Blaško has been included in the Spatial Plan of the Municipality of Laktaši |
10. |
25 October 2018
(Twelfth Session of the Council for Economy and Development) |
Entrepreneurs should provide their proposals for the inclusion of strategic projects in the Development Strategy of the Municipality of Laktaši for the period 2014-2024, which is currently under revision |
Department for Local Development and Human Resources |
All proposals submitted by business entities from the municipality of Laktaši have been included in the revised Development Strategy of the Municipality of Laktaši for the period 2019-2024 |
11. |
29 November 2018
(Thirteenth Session of the Council for Economy and Development)
Initiative for the improvement of greenhouse production in the municipality of Laktaši |
Department for Local Development and Human Resources |
The Municipality of Laktaši, in cooperation with the humanitarian organization “Muslim Aid” from Sarajevo, supported greenhouse production in 2018, and the collaboration continued in 2019 |
12. |
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources should inform the Regional Unit of “Elektrodistribucija” Laktaši and the Public Utility Company “Budućnost” a.d. Laktaši about the issues faced by businesses in the municipality of Laktaši that fall under the jurisdiction of these institutions. Additionally, a letter should be sent to the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Banja Luka to initiate the process of improving public transportation between the municipality of Laktaši and the city of Banja Luka |
Department for Local Development and Human Resources |
The Department for Local Development has sent an initiative to the Regional Unit of “Elektrodistribucija” Laktaši, the Public Utility Company “Budućnost” a.d. Laktaši, and the Regional Chamber of Commerce Banja Luka for further action |
13. |
Initiative for the appointment of new members, with the aim of increasing the functionality of the Council. |
The Mayor of the Municipality
the Department for Local Development and Human Resources |
On 12 March 2019, the Mayor issued a Decision on the appointment of the Council for Economy and Employment, number: 08-111-13/19 |
14. |
Initiative for the Department of Spatial Planning to continue activities aimed at improving the procedures for issuing building permits, services of the reception office, and the upgrading of the GIS system of the Municipality of Laktaši |
Department for Spatial Planning |
The reception office in the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Laktaši has been established, resulting in a significant improvement in the procedures for issuing permits |
15. |
26 March 2019, (Fifteenth session of the Council for Economy and Development) 4o mini
Initiative for organizing the “Employment Day” |
Department for Local Development and Human Resources |
In accordance with the initiative of the company, the “Employment Day” was held at the Public Institution “Center for Culture and Education” Laktaši during the meeting of the Council for Economy and Employment in May 2019 |
16. |
An initiative for establishing a business website for the Municipality of Laktaši |
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources
the Office of the Mayor |
At the meeting of the Council for Economy and Employment, the business website of the Municipality of Laktaši was presented. This is primarily an interactive website where users can find the latest updates about the municipality, including information about businesses, investors, new buildings, public calls, and employment opportunities. The website facilitates quicker and more direct access to the business environment in the Municipality of Laktaši
17. |
16 April 2019
(Sixteenth session of the Council for Economy and Development)
The initiative is to implement a promotional campaign for professions needed by the local economy. This includes producing a promotional video featuring footage from companies, procuring televisions to be installed in the lobbies of primary schools, and playing the promotional video on these screens. Additionally, the campaign will display data on the status of unemployed professionals from the Employment Service registry, providing valuable insights to students and the community about available career opportunities and industry demands |
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources
the Office of the Mayor |
Televisions have been procured and installed in all primary schools in the Laktaši municipality, and a promotional video has been prepared to promote in-demand professions, helping children in their career choices |
18. |
Organize visits to the final grades of primary schools to present the current state of the labor market, as well as visits of the final grade students to local businesses, in order to promote in-demand professions |
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources
the Office of the Mayor |
The pupils from the primary schools also visited the companies, where they were able to directly communicate with the representatives of the businesses and learn everything they were interested in |
19. |
24th July 2019
(Seventeenth session of the Council for Economy and Development) |
Apply for the Public Call for Project Proposals for Partnerships in Export-Oriented Sectors within the “EU4Business” project, with interested companies |
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources
the Office of the Mayor |
Four companies from the municipality of Laktaši, in partnership with the Municipality of Laktaši, applied for the Public Call in the export-oriented sector within the “EU4Business” project |
20. |
Submit an initiative to the relevant inspection authorities to assess the situation on the ground regarding air pollution in the settlement of Trn, primarily caused by the company “GMP Company.” |
Department for Inspection Affairs |
In accordance with the initiative of the Council for Economy and Employment, a letter was sent to the Department for Inspection Affairs. A control was carried out, and it was determined that the company “GMP company” holds an environmental permit. Two inspections were conducted, and a licensed company determined that emissions of pollutants from the chimney meet the established limits |
21. |
10 December 2019
(19th session of the Council for Economy and Employment) |
Initiative for determining a more realistic coefficient for the distribution of funds from the industrial tax collected through the Tax Administration |
the Office of the Mayor |
An initiative was sent through the Association of Municipalities and Cities, which has not yet been implemented |
22. |
An initiative to provide support to entrepreneurs in the Laktaši area in terms of applying for donor funding |
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources continuously provides support to the business sector when applying for donor funding projects in accordance with available resources |
23. |
Initiative to reorganize the composition of the Council for Economy and Employment of the Municipality of Laktaši in order to actively participate in the process of making decisions and documents that may be important for the development of the economy of the Municipality of Laktaši |
Mayor of the Municipality
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources
If there is a need to reorganize the members of the Council for Economy and Employment of the Municipality of Laktasi, the Mayor of the Municipality will issue a new decision |
24. |
Initiative of businessmen from the area of the settlement of Trn to give the area of Sarica to companies that need to expand their production capacities |
Mayor of the Municipality
the Office of the Mayor
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources |
The area of the former Sarica barracks has been included in the spatial planning documentation of the Laktasi municipality. “Web GIS” and in the database of brownfield locations, so that it is available to potential investors |
25. |
Initiative for municipal officials to inform companies about public invitations, due to the lack of time for business entities to research public invitations |
The Department for Local Development and Human Resources |
The Department for Local Development continuously informs the business sector about published public calls for the allocation of donor funds |